
 Akamai University
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 On Comparative Study Of Some Robust And Classical Nonparametric Procedures Of Estimations In Linear Regression Model
Publication Authors:
 F.B. Adebola, Ph.D.; E.I. Olamide, M.Sc.*; And O.O. Alabi, Ph.D.
Year Published:
We examined some robust and nonparametric procedures for a simple linear regression model when the error terms are drawn from unit normal, lognormal, Student t-10df, Cauchy, and exponential power via Monte Carlo simulation technique. The results showed that the nonparametric Theil’s method demonstrates the strongest performance gains in many cases which imply they have negligible bias and the smallest Mean Square Error (MSE). The second best results are obtained from Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) Methods with relative reductions in MSE. Though Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) and weighted Theil’s regressions gave the poorest slope estimates with negative root mean square error (RMSE) values in most cases, it is noticed that LAD is always more efficient than LSE whenever the error component is Cauchy distributed. The LSE proved to be more efficient under normality assumption where as LTS and Theil’s estimators performed better under nonnormal data conditions. 
 Akamai University
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 Trade-Off Between Gas Production And Gas Flaring In Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 F.B. Adebola, Ph.D.; E.I. Olamide, M.Sc.
Year Published:
This paper, with the aid of econometric models and statistical inference, determines the effects of gas flaring on Nigerian economic development. Using multivariate regression technique to compute basic statistics for gas flaring data in Nigeria, we consider its impact and describe a nonlinear tradeoff between gas production and flaring on Nigerian economic development. The results show that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increases with increase in gas production, also, an increase in gas production in turn leads to increase in gas flaring. Increase in gas flaring is as a result of Government wavers in policy and decision making, corporate reluctance, etc. From the results, a more robust GDP would be accounted for if gas flaring reduces with increase in gas production. We therefore recommend that the National Energy Policy 2003 aimed at achieving sustainable development should be made effective and the shortcomings in the policy be redressed in order to achieve the objectives of reducing gas flaring menace and also enhancing economic development. 
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 Alternative Estimator In Dichotomous Randomized Response Technique
Publication Authors:
 Ewemooje, O.S. ,Adebola, F. B. And Amahia, G.N.
Year Published:
Obtaining correct responses to sensitive questions in social and behavioural researches is an ancient problem in survey research with respondents misreporting on sensitive behaviours or giving false response to protect themselves. This paper develops an alternative unbiased estimator by modifying the dichotomous randomized response technique model to tackle this problem. The proposed estimator was compared numerically with conventional ones by considering different practicable and suitable design choices. Proposed model was also considered when sampling with unequal probabilities with or without replacement. It was observed that the proposed estimator performs efficiently than the conventional ones. As the proposed model captures progressively more people involved in the sensitive attribute, the model outperforms other models considered. Therefore, social and behavioural researchers can now obtain correct and valid responses from sensitive behavioural researches with ease in order to make informed and reliable decisions. 
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 Estimating Prevalence Of Induced Abortion And Multiple Sexual Partners Using Improved Randomized Response Technique For Two Sensitive Attributes
Publication Authors:
 Olusegun S Ewemooje ,Godwin N Amahia And Femi B Adebola
Year Published:
The study examined the prevalence of two related sensitive characters: induced abortion and multiple sexual partners among women of Akure, the state capital of Ondo state, Nigeria using improved randomized response technique (RRT) for two sensitive attributes (IRRT2). Also, the direct method of data collection was used in collecting information on the two sensitive characters, these were further compared with the IRRT2. A wide gap was noticed between the two methods as response rate increased tremendously with the use of IRRT2. The data collected also confirm the fact that RRT is far more efficient than direct method. 
 MCSER Publishing
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 Cases Of Road Traffic Accident In Nigeria: A Time Series Approach
Publication Authors:
 Ridwan A. Sanusi1, F.B. Adebola, N.A. Adegoke
Year Published:
Road traffic accident in Nigeria is increasing at a disturbing rate and has raised one of the country major concerns. We provide appropriate and suitable time series model for the cases of road accident; the minor cases, the serious cases, the fatal cases and the total cases of road accident in Nigeria. The most widely used conventional method of time series known as Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model (also known as Box-Jenkins method) is applied to the annual cases of road accident data in Nigeria from 1960-2013, to determine patterns of road traffic accident cases along the Nigeria motorway. Appropriate models are developed for the minor cases, the serious cases, the fatal cases and the total cases. ARIMA (1,1,1) model is obtained for the minor and total cases, ARIMA (1,1,0) model is obtained for the serious cases, while ARIMA(0,1,1) model is obtained for the fatal cases using data from 1960-2011. Data from 2012 to 2013 is used to test the adequacy and performance of the models. The models are then used to forecast the different cases from 2014 till 2020, and the forecast show an average increase in the data for the cases considered. 
 Scientific And Academic Publishing
Publication Type:
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 A Class Of Regression Estimator With Cum-Dual Ratio Estimator As Intercept
Publication Authors:
 F. B. Adebola1, N. A. Adegoke1, Ridwan A. Sanusi
Year Published:
This paper examines a class of regression estimator with cum-dual ratio estimator as intercept for estimating the mean of the study variable Y using auxiliary variable X. We obtained the bias and the mean square error of the proposed estimator, also, the asymptotically optimum estimator (AOE) was obtained along with its mean square error. Theoretical and numerical validation of the proposed estimator were done to show it’s superiority over the usual simple random sampling estimator and ratio estimator, product estimator, cum-dual ratio and product estimator. It was found that the estimator while performed better than other competing estimators, performed in almost the same way as the usual regression estimator when compared with the usual simple random estimator for estimating the average sleeping hours of undergraduate students of the department of statistics, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria. 
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Publication Authors:
 Adebola, Femi Barnabas, Ehigie, Osamwonyi Timothy
Year Published:
In the study of time series, new technique for smoothing the data is very important and evolving. This study presents a new technique for smoothing time series data. It is based on average and works in the time domain. It is aimed at creating a new series by redistributing the average of the reduced (halved) series of the variable of interest; it has the potential of reducing large peak. In this work, simulated stock data (S&P 500 quarterly stock value for 2005:1 – 2014:4)) will be smoothed and residual analysis carried out to determined the performance of the technique. From the application of the technique, amongst other findings, the residual ?t from the technique was found to be white noise, which is the building block for time series models. 
 Scientific And Academic Publishers
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 An Improved Warner’s Randomized Response Model
Publication Authors:
 F. B. Adebola, O. O. Johnson
Year Published:
This paper presents a modification of Warner’s [8] Randomized Response model. According to O’Muircheartaigh et al [7], non-response is inevitable in a survey; in view of this, our model further reduces the non-response bias by further sampling for the non-respondents. In this paper we performed an empirical practice of our model and we also performed the empirical comparison of our model with Warner [8] model. We discovered that our model is more efficient than the Warner [8] model. 
 Global Journal Inc
Publication Type:
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 A Class Of Regression Estimator With Cum-Dual Product Estimator As Intercept
Publication Authors:
 F. B. Adebola & N. A. Adegoke
Year Published:
This paper examines a class of regression estimator with cum-dual product estimator as intercept for estimating the mean of the study variable Y using auxiliary variable X. We obtained the bias and the mean square error (MSE) of the proposed estimator. We also obtained MSE of its asymptotically optimum estimator (AOE). Theoretical and numerical validation of the proposed estimator was done to show it’s superiority over the usual simple random sampling estimator and ratio estimator, product estimator, cum-dual ratio and product estimator. It was found that the asymptotic optimal value of the proposed estimator performed better than other competing estimators and performed in exactly the same way as the regression estimator, when compared with the usual simple random estimator for estimating the average sleeping hours of undergraduate students of the department of statistics, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria. 
 Academic Journals
Publication Type:
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 Family Characteristics: Indices Of Adolescents Sexual Behaviour
Publication Authors:
 Adebola, Olukemi Grace And Adebola, Femi Barnabas
Year Published:
This study examined the effect of family characteristics and parental status on adolescents’ sexual behavior in Okun land of Kogi State. Data were obtained from male and female adolescents in ten Government Secondary Schools among the Okun-Yoruba tribe of Kogi State. The Okun-Yorubas occupied five LGAs of the state. Two schools were selected from each of the LGAs. In all, 781 copies of questionnaire were distributed and 768 were retrieved from respondents. This sample responded to a semi-structured questionnaire which contained both open and closed ended questions on sexual activities among adolescents as facilitated by family and parental background and activities. The findings reveal that adolescents’ sexual behaviors are affected by their family or parental sexual life style, income and education level, tutelage, etc. Association between adolescents’ sexual behavior and parental indices as mentioned above were tested using the Chi-square test. The t-test was used to determine the significance of the findings while Cramer’s V value was used to test the strength of the associations. Results of the Chi-square tests were corroborated by focus group discussion and Indepth interview conducted among respondents and teachers. This allows for triangulation among responses gathered. Conclusions were drawn based on the findings and recommendations proffered